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BOO!:D hello,today is a MONDAY! yeah,quite energetic today[: was supposed to meet yunping early in school today, but somehow i overslept:x sorry,yunping(: yupp,took bus 39 to scholl with BESTIES as usual.. the bus was quite empty this morning,so yeah:D had maths for first peroid today, it erm,so-so... quite boring though, these few days,miss zubaidah came extreamly early to class. before nation anthuem! haha,maybe she missed us too much during the weekends:p then had chinese,ZZzzz... mr fong was nagging at us about our chinese files today. he seems to have always have a topic to nag about[: had to buy a chinese book which costs $5!! nvm,shall claim back from my mother:DDDD hahahahaha(: had recess, went to 4th floor to look for sealing=] then had science,did practical(: lol! then went for HE lessons.. -the end- hahahs, very tired today,so shall not elaborate much,yupp? going for tution later,so yeah. BYE:D hello(: nothing really nice to blog about today.. it's a SUNDAY[: lols! i hope the exams will end faster, so that CCA can resume:D yeah,that's what i love only managed to study for awhile.. before i start to slack again:/ don't think i can hold much longer already. i am very tired.. HELLO(: yupp,english and chinese papers are done!:D yesterday: morning was kinda scary. met sealing and seaching at the bustop as usual.. somehow,on the way to school, there was a thunder, and the wole bus vibrated:o wow! first paper was english paper 1 it was so-so.. then had chinese paper 2.. for the 3 times i sat for the paper, i always realise that i have no time:x but,yay,its over(: after school, took 12 to WS with sealing,seaching,nicole and zames.. it was so fun on the bus as we sat on the upper deck[: when the bus was about to stop at the interchange, when we were about to go down, i walked first, but sealing called me, so i turned... afetr i turned back, i banged onto the pole== lols! haha,will; be updating soon(if i have time) right,1 more week to the other papers, GOOD LUCK:D yoyo(: had chinese test today:/ and mr fong gave about 50 mins for a piece of paper=.= slacked for the 35 mins,cause i finished it in 15 mins. hahas:D after school, met stella and edrea at the bus-stop. they asked if i wanted to have lunch with them at WS. since i had nothing to do,i went with them to eat(: after that,Edrea met her grandma so she left. then me and stella took 3 home[: went to stella's home to borrow science notes, and as well study abit of science cause i dont understand anything luh:x good luck ppl,for EOY!!:DDDDDDDD people will tend to change, when the gap between is too big... HELLO! decided to blog today, because i am happy:DDD and my blog is going dead soon:/ hahas,started off monday morning fine! took 81 with sealing and seaching<3 reached school around 8? then had first period: ART we finished our work already,so we watched movie. ehh,harry potter and the order of the phoneix. it was quite nice,but we have not finish watching yet! then had:CHINESE as usual,mr fong nagged at the whole class.. ZZZzz was very sleepy cause it was so boring... how i wish he was like in thailand... he was kind and caring luh, now?? the same old him lorh): went to recess with seaching:DD then had maths test:x rate,ratio,percentage(: lastly was english... mdm azean was quite joky today... but my mind was switched off because it was the last peroid(: then,took 39 home with stella and seaching, bought honeydew milkshake:D will be going to sealing's house to study later. so,bye ppl[= see xinyu,i blogged:D work hard for EOY,its just a few weeks away. work hard,play hard! Hi! the lessons were fine today... the only special thing was science practical... HAHA:D had chinese and mr fong ask us to write sihan. crappy,crap:/ but the name he make so funny,hahha(: cannot stop laughing... after school, went to eat at mac's with sealing and seaching[: then went home to study as mr Lim called a teacher to talk to us, about our acadamic performence... from now on,i going to work hard for EOY:D bye[: HELLOS:D today wasn't a very good day:/ had the COMPASS megazine! but,is not fair luh... chior went to HK and had 2 pages of photos and report, we go thailand...only got 1/2 page(maybe less than that) someore the photo also not the group photo.. then we at the airport still take photo with th"ngee ann banner'.. nvm... had HE(: had test and baked muffins!!! YEAH:DDD nothing to blog abt chinese,sci... hahas.. HELLO! yesterday,my cousins came to my house! we watched kung fu panda,HAHA(: when they left,we all got showered and headed to uncle seb's house, to celebrate mooncake festival:D acctually,i din't want to go, but my mum asked me to go): supposed to go to the mooncake thing with stella,mindy and hui min, Sorry): ended up lighting up the garden pathway... it looked like the airport runway:D shall upload the photos other time.. i suddenly remembered about BANGKOK. upload soon:D HELOO(: Yesterday was a riot:D had english presnetation,and so unlucky... of all 8 topics,mdm Azean choose'A movie that i would reccomend to my class'.. then so 'suay',my name first... AHHHH... so i went up and presented... SOLO okay?? after i read finish, she told me that she could not hear me and say that she will give me 2nd chance... (cause i was the first...) !@#$%^&! i rather she fail me luh.. and clara was like'relax,don't panic..' so i read AGAIN... hahasxD i think still fail:D today's CCA was fine, just that seaching did not come as she was sick... get well soon:D Hello there:D
lessons were fine(:
madm Azean did not come,so chatted alot:DDD
then had CCA,yupp,it was fun...
but before CCA,me,sealing and seaching went to tmart for lunch,
as it was still early,we went to the playground:D
we are still small kids[:
the coaches gave an one hour talk,it was erm,okay..
had a talk about road safety during assembly,
it was quite interesting as they were video clips...
then,spot check:/
had maths,english(mdm Azen din't come again!),science,IPW...
slept abit in the lab during science as i was too tired..
alright,i still have 20 more days to EOY..
work hard!
hello! todays,school re-opend.. mr fong came back and said a whole lot of funny things(: and he gave lots of work too:/ workbook chapter 19 to 24! wow,a big BOMB:x and i still need to memorise history answer sheet... so i went to sealing house to study, she help me with chinese, and i help her with history:D she's a NICE girl! haha,now still trying to finish up the 'bomb'): i even had to skip tution... i uploaded some photos when i was at sealing's house[: shall blog soon(: Hello! i changed my blogskin:D school is going to reopen tmr... the one week holidays were busy, as there were training on mon,wed,fri, and there was alot of group projects also. But i still enjoyed trainings! there is going to be alot of presentations when school starts:/ hahas[: i still have not planned on my presentation yet! shost post,yeah? bye! hello,people! today was a CRAZYYY day! went to tampines library with xinyu to do the IPW project, then we saw sealing and seaching there too. then we went to TM for lunch, cause there was alot of people near the library:x cause it was lunch time:D went to LJS, but i already had lunch, so i only drank(: then as it was still early, we went to TM the open space to play the playgroud. there was a swinging thingy, so we played it.. it was very,very dizyyy but sealing &xinyu could stand it, my and seaching could not): but sealing still porepusly keep turning:/ and xinyu took a video. HOHO yupp,there is CCA tmr!!! shall end here:D |